Latest Security News

Hardening your Linux server with Bastille

Hardening your Linux server is can be sometime a complicated task
Bastille can ,make your life essayer.
It works by asking you a set of questions and modify the system according to it.
get your Bastille tar ball here

Cool sys admin command line tools present a repository of command line tools for all kins of missions like
enumerationg users , loged on time , password age on a domain etc.

check this out

Defcon 2007 (15) youtube recorded presentations

great presentations recorded at Vegas 2007 defcon - check it out!!!

hacking the mind - social engineering

Maven Security site

white papers about security issues tools and methods that you'll like to read!

navigate to

New automating SQLinjection 2007 tools

sql scanner and exploiter - works on ms sql and only in GET mod
sql power injector
M complicated tool but still worth the ride.
the whatchfire sql exploiter

see whats works best for you... the best cross site scripting repository.

bringing us the latest breaks and outbreaks of XSS in the internet .
you can submit your XSS and monitor for fixes .

Defcon Media Archives

some of the coolest presentations from some of the top hacker ,security researchers in the world!
all in video ,pdf aa=nd slides
