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Online free security school

On my endless search for new InfoSec ideas , I have stumbled upon the Open security training web site.

With tons of recorded lectures on various InfoSec topics.

I am going try one of their online free online courses. Will let you know….

Check it out:

YouTube page with all their lectures.

Centralized Management of Java SE Environment Using GPO (Redux)

Taken from  darkoperator blog:

My Adventures helping a friend secure his Java environment where fun, in my original blog post I used GPO to reduce the risk in his environment by crudely pushing  a configuration file to his environment. After 24 hours the fun started because we got insight from the support team, developer and users and came with a game plan.
The requirements:
  • Solution must provide the ability to configure Java 7 and Java 6.
  • Users must still be able to look at the settings in the Java control panel so they can relay information to helpdesk for troubleshooting.
  • The configuration files must be in a place where the can be replicated to Domain Controllers in other locations.
  • Solution must work on Windows Versions 5.x and 6.x
  • Policy Should only apply and create the files for machines with Java installed.
  • Policy should be robust enough to adapt is Java 6 or 7 are installed on the target in the case a computer is moved from one OU (Organizational Unit) to another.
Thankfully we worked and came with a much simple and easier to manage solution that made everyone happy (And me never volunteering to help).

Creating WMI Filter

When it comes to applying Group Policy Objects I find that WMI filters is one of the best ways to determining to what machines to apply a policy and to witch not. We start by creating 2 WMI filters one for Java 6 and another for Java 7. We first go in to Group Policy Management Console, and go in to WMI Filters:
We Right-Click on it and select New
We give it a name of Java SE 7 is Installed and a description of “For Policies that will only apply for hosts running Java SE 7” and we Click on Add to include our WMI WQL Query and we add the query
Select * From win32_Directory where (name="c:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre7" or name="c:\\Program Files (x86)\\Java\\jre7")
This WMI Query will look for bot X64 and X86 locations of the JRE7 Folder on the System and if found it will apply the policy.
We click on Save to save the query.
We would do the same for Java SE 6 if we want to cover it.

Creating Policy Files

Next we create policy files for Java in our domains \\FQDN\SYSVOL\FQDN\JavaPolicy folder where FQDN is the full path of your domain name. In my example I will create to folders one called JRE7Strict that will have restrictive settings and another called JRE7Block that will have the files to block Java on all web browsers.:
In Jave SE a deployment.config file is used for specifying the System-Level for use by all users of the system and it is located in %windir%\Sun\Java\Deployment\deployment.config. By default no deployment.config  or folder structure exists. The deployment.config file needs the option of deployment.system.config and it can point to a URL(HTTP or HTTPS) or a File Path that points to the to load, to ensure that the properties file in the user %APDATA% location is not loaded we set the deployment.system.config.mandatory option with a value of true. Our config file for the restricted settings would be:
and we would place the file in the JRE7Strict folder and we would create our Properties file with the options we want and to lock the options so they still show in the control panel but would be greyed out so they can not be modified we would also add a .locked line. A sample restricted properties file would look like:
In the example I set the Security Level to Very High and locked it as well as other options. As domain admins we would save the files in the folder:
for a policy that would block Java on all the web browser we would only add to the properties file:

Creating the Policy

The use of the centralized files it makes creating a policy file it is more simple. We just create a new GPO and we start by setting the creation of the folder where the config file will be placed so in the Policy we would go in toComputer Configuration –> Preferences –> Windows Settings –> Folders:
We create a new entry for the creation of the folder %WinDir%\Sun\Java\Deployment
Now we can create an entry for copying the config file to the folde we go to Computer Configuration –> Preferences –> Windows Settings –> Files:
We now create a new file policy and set it to replace so updating only takes modifying the file it self we set  the Action to Replace so when the file is updated it will be sent to all the machines in the domain when they update their policy, we set the Source to \\FQDN\SYSVOL\FQDN\JavaPolicy\JRE7Strict\deployment.config and the Destination to%windir%\Sun\Java\Deployment\deployment.config:
Before we link the policy to any OU we must set the WMI filter we created so it will only create the folder and file on machines running the correct version of JRE
Once it is done we can link it to the OU we want the policy to apply to. Once a hosts update it’s policy via schedule or it is forced.
If you are running a Windows 2012 DC I recommend you go in to the Starter GPO’s and have the 2012 DC create them if they have not yet, if they have been already created and they where in a Windows 2008 or Windows 2008 R2 back the Starter GPOs, Delete the starter GPO folder from \\FQDN\SYSVOL\FQDN\, go back to the Group Policy Management Console on Windows 2012 and have it generate them, you should have 2 additional GPO templates for Firewall and Management configuration. From PowerShell (Had to sneak some PowerShell in Smile with tongue out) run:
New-GPO –Name "Configure firewall rules for remote gpupdate" –StarterGpoName "Group Policy Remote Update Firewall Ports" | New-GPLink –target "dc=acmelabs,dc=com" –LinkEnabled yes 
This will create a New Group Policy and link it to the Domain (Make sure you modify the DC values to the ones of your domain) that will allow you to force GPO updates against the host in the domain once the policy is applied.
To force a update of the policy from your Windows 2012 DC run Invoke-GPUpdate against the machines you want to update, in this example I’m running it against the HR OU where my test VM’s are in my lab:
  Get-ADComputer –filter * -Searchbase "ou=HR, dc=acmelabs,dc=com" | foreach{ Invoke-GPUpdate –computer $ -force} 
Once the policy has been updated we can just open the Java Control Panel and confirm the options have been set and that they are greyed out.
If the user tries to load a self-signed applet or one not in your trusted signature file he will get:
If the Applet is validly signed he will get a popup giving him a warning and allowing him to run run the applet:
This method can be used to set other policies like the path for the trusted signatures and PKI files plus settings. So make sure your applets are properly signed with valid certificate and modify your trusted CA file to only trust your vendor to reduce the risk of the attacker using a valid provider or even better use your own CA and signed your applets with your own cert.
Hope you find this useful and allow you to secure your Java environment in Windows.

Security predictions for 2013

taken from:

The period between November and December is particularly interesting for the Infosec community, since nearly all the main security vendors use to unveil their predictions for the next year, trying to anticipate the trends and the issues that will trouble the system administrators’ sleeps.
Exactly as I did last year, I analyzed the predictions of 7 vendors, choosing the ones that I consider particularly meaningful for the presence of the vendor in the market and for the coverage of their respective solution portfolio. In comparison with the last year, I was not able to find any prediction from Cisco (at least so far). However I was able to include the ones issued by Symantec, that were missing from my initial version. Hence the list of the vendors taken into consideration is the following:
Nearly all the analyzed vendors went through deep transformations during the past year, reflecting the changing trends in the market. Fortinet is considered a vendor focused on UTM Technologies, although it offers a wide portfolio of solutions ranging from endpoint to WAFs. After the acquisition of Astaro, Sophos is expanding its offering from the endpoints to the UTM segment. McAfee covers a wide area: historically focused on the endpoints, the long trail of acquisitions allows the company to be present in all the segments of the security market. Websense went through its historical flagship, the URL filtering, moving its security model to the endpoint. Symantec and Trend Micro have their foundation on the endpoints, but are more and more concentrated on securing the cloud. Kaspersky is still concentrated on the endpoints, although the company has been very active in the last year in the analysis of the cyberwar events, most of all in Middle East.Security Predictions 2013
Yes, the rise of the malware on mobile platforms seems unstoppable, not only it reached unprecedented levels in 2012, but apparently it will be the protagonist even for 2013, at least for 5 vendors on 7. Indeed the vendors are 6 if one considers also the cross-platform malware which is equally a threat for mobile platforms. Furthermore one vendor (Fortinet), considers the role of mobile threats also as a threat vector for APTs in 2013.
Politically motivated attacks rank at number 2, even if with different connotations: Kaspersky and Websense mention explicitly state-sponsored attacks, while Symantec and Trend Micro include also attacks motivated by hacktivism in this category. It is not a coincidence that Kaspersky and Websense include Hacktivism into an explicit prediction.
It is also interesting to notice the ransomware at number 3 with just 3 preferences. Particularly interesting the indication of Sophos that speaks of “Irreversible” malware, since this class of threats is increasingly using encryption to make the compromised content unrecoverable.
The trend is even more visible from the distribution chart, that also emphasizes the role of the cloud, in the double shape of source and target of the cyber attacks.
Security Predictions Distributions 2013
Two vendors (McAfee and Trend Micro) include the proliferation of embedded systems (for instance Smart TV equipped with Android) as one of the main security issues for 2013. Honestly speaking I would have expected a major impact for this threat.
Last but not least, two vendors (Kaspersky and McAfee) believe that Targeted Attacks and Signed Malware will experience a major rise in 2013.