Latest Security News

or 1=1 replacements

here or some Simple replacments to Evoid SQL Injection filters

OR '1' = '1'
OR 1 = 1

OR 'unusual' = 'unusual'
OR 'Simple' = 'Sim' + 'ple'
OR 'Simple'= N'simple' # the N dosent make any diffrence
OR 'Simple' > 'S'
OR 'Simple' < 'X' OR 'Simple' LIKE 'Sim%' OR 2 > 1
OR 'Simple' IN ('Simple')
OR 'Simple' BETWEEN 'R' and 'T'

play with spaces or drop them completely


To escape any filter that checks a UNION followed by spaces and then the work SELECT –we can use a C like comment syntax available for most of DB's

UNION /**/ SELECT name…

For ORACLE use:

For MySql use:

UN/**/ION/**/ SE/**/LECT/**

nmap & backtrack new versions

nmap 4.50 version has been released ,now including the Zenmap GUI that support all of nmap features .including a lot of bug fixing and support for new scripts.

BackTrack 3 beta has been released - including 900MB extended usb version and a strip down CD version , added drivers for many wifi cards and much more pen test fun stuff!

Guss Christmas gonna be fun after all :)

Got my CEH certification!

Direct HTTP downloads file sites: the new P2P secret?

Direct HTTP downloads file sites: the new P2P secret?

Well, every security administrator now days is blocking the P2P traffic in his organization.
but are the blocking HTTP downloads? No.
The P2P file sharing community has shifted to a more fast and transparent approach by going back to the good old fashion Direct HTTP downloads.
Sites like and are now giving the ability to upload everything to their servers - like a huge open file server on the Internet.
People are now uploading their favorites MP3s, movies, and cracked software to these server and posting the link to the file on their favorites FORUMS.
Some of them even upload those files with PASSWORD PROTECTION and they will publish the link+password to the registered FORUM members.

here are some of the major URLs/Domains you should consider blocking at your PROXY level in your organization:


-- \\\\ (o>(o> //\_(()__ _V_/_____ tzvi.cooper

Cleaning up trash files and package's from your ubuntu pc

need some Cleaning up trash files and package's from your ubuntu pc?

here is a nice how to article:

have fun cleaning

CIS Next Generation Scoring Tool for security

a free security benchmark tools is being offered by the center of Internet security
this tools are used by the national homeland security in the US.

it provides benchmarking for:
windows 2003,xp,200
linux suse,radhat
applications: exchange2003 ,IIS,MS SQL2000,2005
benchmark for vmware stations!

check it out

"CIS Scoring Tools enable end users to compare the configuration of their operating systems, applications and network devices with the technical control recommendations in the CIS Benchmarks. The Tools verify the security configuration of systems prior to network deployment, monitor systems and network devices for ongoing conformity with the benchmarks, and demonstrate to auditors and business partners their compliance with the internationally accepted standard for security configuration. The Tools are host-based and produce reports that guide users in securing installations and production systems"

Hardening your Linux server with Bastille

Hardening your Linux server is can be sometime a complicated task
Bastille can ,make your life essayer.
It works by asking you a set of questions and modify the system according to it.
get your Bastille tar ball here

Cool sys admin command line tools present a repository of command line tools for all kins of missions like
enumerationg users , loged on time , password age on a domain etc.

check this out

Defcon 2007 (15) youtube recorded presentations

great presentations recorded at Vegas 2007 defcon - check it out!!!

hacking the mind - social engineering

Maven Security site

white papers about security issues tools and methods that you'll like to read!

navigate to

New automating SQLinjection 2007 tools

sql scanner and exploiter - works on ms sql and only in GET mod
sql power injector
M complicated tool but still worth the ride.
the whatchfire sql exploiter

see whats works best for you... the best cross site scripting repository.

bringing us the latest breaks and outbreaks of XSS in the internet .
you can submit your XSS and monitor for fixes .

Defcon Media Archives

some of the coolest presentations from some of the top hacker ,security researchers in the world!
all in video ,pdf aa=nd slides


איתן - הספריה הווירטואלית למדעי המחשב

אתר מדהים בגודלו ובמספר הפרוייקטים שהוא מכיל

פשוט להנות

Dev C++ good c++ editor+compiler

download page

Secunia Software Inspector

what a great idea !

Test the Secunia PSI (BETA) Technology Preview, an upcoming addition to the Secunia Software Inspector series, based on the proven Secunia File Signatures Technology.

The Secunia PSI detects installed software and categorizes your software as either Insecure, End-of-Life, or Up-To-Date. Effectively enabling you to focus your attention on software installations where more secure versions are available from the vendors.

Needless to say, we are very excited about this new free service for the Secunia security community. We appreciate all feedback, thoughts, and ideas that you wish to share with us.

Highlights of The Secunia PSI:
  • The Secunia PSI will be available free of charge
  • Calculates your unique Secunia System Score
  • Automatically scans your computer
  • Enables you to update Insecure/End-of-Life software
  • Provides Direct Download Links to security updates & patches
  • Detects and advises on more than 4,200 applications
  • Direct correlation between thousands of Secunia Advisories and your specific system and software
  • Secure SSL encrypted connection to Secunia

Showing wiresharke packets in hebrew language

When sniffing the network,
we often discovered payloads of communication that are not in the default English language. The wireshark interpolator gives us a ASCII translation of the non English payloads.

I've written a small JavaScript that decode the packet payload back to Hebrew (my native language).

All VISTA drivers in one place !

At -you will fine all vista drivers you ever needed

UBUNTU 7.4 stuff

Iv installed the new ubuntu addition on my vwware virtual machine and iv discovered a very nice OS with a lot to explore inside.
but as in all Linux distributions ,you steel have to configure many of the basic elements to make it run properly.

so here are some of the little things iv needed "how to"

  1. VMware Tools mouse wheel problem on Ubuntu fix

מיגוון של ספרים (בתחום המחשוב) לשימושכם

VMware Server - resize partition and disks

This is a tutorial to resize Virtual HDD of Virtual Machine. I found a post on the Internet. try this!
1) On the Host Machine: stop the Virtual machine that you need to allocate more HDD space to.

2) Run C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Server\vmware-vdiskmanager.exe to re-size the vmdk file. This will resize the HDD but not the partition.For example: C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Server>vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -x 80Gb -t 1 “C:\Virtual Machines\Viper\Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.vmdk”

3) Exit BootIt and restart the virtual machine

.4) On the virtual machine: Download a copy of BootIt NG (Boot It Next Generation).

5) Run the .exe and create a bootable CD ISO. Make sure you include the VGA drivers in the options!.

6) Copy the ISO to a different machine (eg the Host server) or a network location. For example: C:\BOOTITNG.ISO

7) On the Host machine: set the virtual machine to use the BootIt ISO as the CD Drive. Start the Virtual Machine: hit ESC to bring up the boot manager as VMWare is loading and select to boot off the CD Drive with the ISO loaded

.9) When the BootIt GUI starts, resize the partition.10) Restart the Virtual machine.

מיגוון של ספרים (בתחום המחשוב) לשימושכם

VMware Server - resize partition and disks

This is a tutorial to resize Virtual HDD of Virtual Machine. I found a post on the Internet. try this!
1) On the Host Machine: stop the Virtual machine that you need to allocate more HDD space to.

2) Run C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Server\vmware-vdiskmanager.exe to re-size the vmdk file. This will resize the HDD but not the partition.For example: C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Server>vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -x 80Gb -t 1 “C:\Virtual Machines\Viper\Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.vmdk”

3) Exit BootIt and restart the virtual machine

.4) On the virtual machine: Download a copy of BootIt NG (Boot It Next Generation).

5) Run the .exe and create a bootable CD ISO. Make sure you include the VGA drivers in the options!.

6) Copy the ISO to a different machine (eg the Host server) or a network location. For example: C:\BOOTITNG.ISO

7) On the Host machine: set the virtual machine to use the BootIt ISO as the CD Drive. Start the Virtual Machine: hit ESC to bring up the boot manager as VMWare is loading and select to boot off the CD Drive with the ISO loaded

.9) When the BootIt GUI starts, resize the partition.10) Restart the Virtual machine.

מיגוון של ספרים (בתחום המחשוב) לשימושכם

VMware Server - resize partition and disks

This is a tutorial to resize Virtual HDD of Virtual Machine. I found a post on the Internet. try this!
1) On the Host Machine: stop the Virtual machine that you need to allocate more HDD space to.

2) Run C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Server\vmware-vdiskmanager.exe to re-size the vmdk file. This will resize the HDD but not the partition.For example: C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware Server>vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -x 80Gb -t 1 “C:\Virtual Machines\Viper\Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.vmdk”

3) Exit BootIt and restart the virtual machine

.4) On the virtual machine: Download a copy of BootIt NG (Boot It Next Generation).

5) Run the .exe and create a bootable CD ISO. Make sure you include the VGA drivers in the options!.

6) Copy the ISO to a different machine (eg the Host server) or a network location. For example: C:\BOOTITNG.ISO

7) On the Host machine: set the virtual machine to use the BootIt ISO as the CD Drive. Start the Virtual Machine: hit ESC to bring up the boot manager as VMWare is loading and select to boot off the CD Drive with the ISO loaded

.9) When the BootIt GUI starts, resize the partition.10) Restart the Virtual machine.

The blogcast repository -from eliash nahum

מצ"ב לינק לאחד האתרים הכי טובים בתחום ה IT.

מה שיפה באתר הזה, הוא שיש כמעט לכל מוצר של מיקרוסופט (ברמת שרתים) מצגת וידאו עם הסבר איך להתקין את המוצר.

בצד ימין של הדף, ישנו לינק שמתחתיו יש את כל קבצי הוידאו המתייחסים לקטגוריית המוצר.

למעבר לאתר יש ללחוץ כאן

CMD HELP just a reminder

The following table lists operators that you can use to redirect command input and output streams.

Redirection operator Description
> Writes the command output to a file or a device, such as a printer, instead of the Command Prompt window.
< Reads the command input from a file, instead of reading input from the keyboard.
>> Appends the command output to the end of a file without deleting the information that is already in the file.
>& Writes the output from one handle to the input of another handle.
<& Reads the input from one handle and writes it to the output of another handle.
| Reads the output from one command and writes it to the input of another command. Also known as a pipe.

By default, you send the command input (that is, the STDIN handle) from your keyboard to Cmd.exe, and then Cmd.exe sends the command output (that is, the STDOUT handle) to the Command Prompt window.

The following table lists the available handles.

Handle Numeric equivalent of handle Description
STDIN 0 Keyboard input
STDOUT 1 Output to the Command Prompt window
STDERR 2 Error output to the Command Prompt window
UNDEFINED 3-9 These handles are defined individually by the application and are specific to each tool.

The numbers zero through nine (that is, 0-9) represent the first 10 handles. You can use Cmd.exe to run a program and redirect any of the first 10 handles for the program. To specify which handle you want to use, type the number of the handle before the redirection operator. If you do not define a handle, the default <> redirection output operator is one (1). After you type the <> operator, you must specify where you want to read or write the data. You can specify a file name or another existing handle.

To specify redirection to existing handles, use the ampersand (&) character followed by the handle number that you want to redirect (that is, &handle#). For example, the following command redirects handle 2 (that is, STDERR) into handle 1 (that is, STDOUT):


Duplicating handles
The & redirection operator duplicates output or input from one specified handle to another specified handle. For example, to send dir output to File.txt and send the error output to File.txt, type:

dir>c:\file.txt 2>&1

When you duplicate a handle, you duplicate all characteristics of the original occurrence of the handle. For example, if a handle has write-only access, all duplicates of that handle have write-only access. You cannot duplicate a handle with read-only access into a handle with write-only access.

Redirecting command input (<)
To redirect command input from the keyboard to a file or device, use the < operator. For example, to get the command input for the sort command from File.txt:

The contents of File.txt appear in the Command Prompt window as an alphabetized list.>

The < operator opens the specified file name with read-only access. As a result, you cannot write to the file when you use this operator. For example, if you start a program with <&2, all attempts to read handle 0 fail because handle 2 is initially opened with write-only access.


Zero is the default handle for the < redirection input operator.
Redirecting command output (>)
Almost all commands send output to your Command Prompt window. Even commands that send output to a drive or printer display messages and prompts in the Command Prompt window.

To redirect command output from the Command Prompt window to a file or device, use the > operator. You can use this operator with most commands. For example, to redirect dir output to Dirlist.txt:


If Dirlist.txt does not exist, Cmd.exe creates it. If Dirlist.txt exists, Cmd.exe replaces the information in the file with the output from the dir command.

To run the netsh routing dump command and then send the command output to Route.cfg, type:

netsh routing dump>c:\route.cfg

The > operator opens the specified file with write-only access. As a result, you cannot read the file when you use this operator. For example, if you start a program with redirection >&0, all attempts to write handle 1 fail because handle 0 is initially opened with read-only access.


One is the default handle for the > redirection output operator.
Using the <& operator to redirect input and duplicate
To use the redirection input operator <&, the file you specify must already exist. If the input file exists, Cmd.exe opens it as read-only and sends the characters contained in the file as input to the command as if they were input from the keyboard. If you specify a handle, Cmd.exe duplicates the handle you specify onto the existing handle in the system.

For example, to open File.txt as input read to handle 0 (that is, STDIN), type:

To open File.txt, sort the contents and then send the output to the Command Prompt window (that is, STDOUT), type:

To find File.txt, and then redirect handle 1 (that is, STDOUT) and handle 2 (that is, STDERR) to the Search.txt, type:

findfile file.txt>search.txt 2<&1

To duplicate a user-defined handle 3 as input read to handle 0 (that is, STDIN), type:


Using the >& operator to redirect output and duplicate
If you redirect output to a file and you specify an existing file name, Cmd.exe opens the file as write-only and overwrites the file's contents. If you specify a handle, Cmd.exe duplicates the file onto the existing handle.

To duplicate a user-defined handle 3 into handle 1, type:


To redirect all of the output, including handle 2 (that is, STDERR), from the ipconfig command to handle 1 (that is, STDOUT), and then redirect the ouput to Output.log, type:

ipconfig.exe>>output.log 2>&1

Using the >> redirection operator to append output
To add the output from a command to the end of a file without losing any of the information already in the file, use two consecutive greater than signs (that is, >>). For example, the following command appends the directory list produced by the dir command to the Dirlist.txt file:


To append the output of the netstat command to the end of Tcpinfo.txt, type:


Using the pipe operator (|)
The pipe operator (|) takes the output (by default, STDOUT) of one command and directs it into the input (by default, STDIN) of another command. For example, the following command sorts a directory:

dir | sort

In this example, both commands start simultaneously, but then the sort command pauses until it receives the dir command's output. The sort command uses the dir command's output as its input, and then sends its output to handle 1 (that is, STDOUT).

Combining commands with redirection operators
You can create custom commands by combining filter commands with other commands and file names. For example, you can use the following command to store the names of files that contain the string "LOG":

dir /b | find "LOG" > loglist.txt

The dir command's output is sent through the find filter command. File names that contain the string "LOG" are stored as a list of file names (for example, NetshConfig.log, Logdat.svd, and Mylog.bat) in the Loglist.txt file.

To use more than one filter in the same command, separate the filters with a pipe (|). For example, the following command searches every directory on drive C:, finds the file names that include the string "Log", and then displays them in one Command Prompt window at a time:

dir c:\ /s /b | find "LOG" | more

By using a pipe (|), you direct Cmd.exe to send the dir command output through the find filter command. The find command selects only file names that contain the string "LOG." The more command displays the file names that are selected by the find command, one Command Prompt window at a time. For more information about filter commands, see Using filters.

PSlogslist - dumping log from remote computer

from sysinternals pstool
C:\pstools>psloglist -a 1/09/07 app -f error >c:\error.txt

-a=from a date app=application log -f=filter by first letter

usage: psloglist [[\\computer[,computer[,..] | @file [-u user [-p psswd]]] [-s [-t delimiter]] [-n #|-h#|-d #] [-x] [-c][-r][-a mm/dd/yy][-b mm/dd/yy][-f filter] [-i ID[,ID[,..]] [-o event source] [-l event log file] [eventlog]

computer Perform the command on the remote computer or computers specified. If you omit the computer name the command runs on the local system, and if you specify a wildcard (\\*), the command runs on all computers in the current domain.
@file Run the command on each computer listed in the text file specified.
-u Specifies optional user name for login to remote computer.
-p Specifies optional password for user name. If you omit this you will be prompted to enter a hidden password.
-s This switch has PsLogList print Event Log records one-per-line, with delimited fields. This format is convenient for text searches, e.g. psloglist | findstr /i text, and for importing the output into a spreadsheet.
-t The default delimeter for the -s option is a comma, but can be overriden with the specified character.
-n # Only display n most recent records.
-h # Only display records from previous n hours.
-d # Only display records from previous n days.
-c Clear the event log after displaying.
-x Dump extended data.
-r Dump log from least recent to most recent.
-a Dump records timestamped after specified date.
-b Dump records timestamped before specified date.
-f Filter event types with filter string (e.g. "-f w" to filter warnings).
-i Show only events with the specified ID or IDs (up to 10).
-o Show only records from the specified event source (e.g. "-o cdrom").
-l Dump the contents of the specified saved event log file.
eventlog By default PsLogList shows the contents of the System Event Log. Specify a different Event Log by typing in the first few letters of the log name, application, system, or security. If the -l switch is present then the event log name specifies how to interpret the event log file.

Rapidshare Downloads "how to"

An alternative for using P2P software

Rapidshare is a upload-download services

  • Download speed is much faster than P2P (downloading from high bandwidth servers)
  • 100mg limit but supporting split files

Best way for finding rapidshare links:

  1. Using Google search, type the words rapidshare and the file name that you are looking for.
  2. Look for links in the result pen.
  3. Copy the link to the address line and click enter.
  4. Choose the FREE option at the bottom of the page
  5. Follow the instruction and Walla! ,you download will begin


  • Google Search =rapidshare fedora books
  • e-Book RapidShare 3ds max 7 Bible Adobe After Effects 5 Bible ... ... - 14k -
    Cached - Similar pages
  • copy the ... to the address line and start downloading

Hacking Illustrated videos from the "irongeek" is one of the best site for watching "how to" hacking video's
here are some of the video topics:

Intro to the AirPcap USB adapter, Wireshark, and using Cain to crack WEP
UPnP Port Forwarding and Security
Remote Access And Configuration: Setting Up SSH and VNC On Ubuntu Linux
WEP Cracking with VMplayer, BackTrack, Aircrack and the DLink DWL-G122 USB Adapter
An Introduction to Tor var
Cracking Windows Vista Passwords With Ophcrack And Cain
Installing Updates And New Software In Ubuntu Linux Installing Ubuntu Linux
Using SysInternals’ Process Monitor to Analyze Apps and Malware
Dual Booting BackTack Linux And BartPE From A Thumbdrive
Creating a Windows Live CD for System Recovery and Pen-Testing with Bart's PE Builder
Making Windows Trojans with EXE Binders (AKA:Joiners), Splice and IExpress A
Hosts File and Ad Blocking
Passive OS Fingerprinting With P0f And Ettercap
Cracking MD5 Password Hashes
Setting Firefox's User Agent To Googlebot
Using TrueCrypt With NTFS Alternate Data Streams
Intro To TrueCrypt
Intro To DD and Autopsy By Williamc and Twinvega
Intro To Bluesnarfing By Williamc and Twinvega
Network Printer Hacking: Irongeek's Presentation at Notacon
Irongeek's Guide to Buying a Used Laptop
Cracking Windows Passwords with BackTrack and the Online Rainbow Tables at
Adding Modules to a Slax or Backtrack Live CD from Windows
Anonym.OS: LiveCD with build in Tor Onion routing and Privoxy
Make your own VMs with hard drive for free: VMware Player + VMX Builder Using VMware Player to run Live CDs (Bootable ISOs)
SSH Dynamic Port Forwarding

flash player update causes internet explorer to crash unexpectedly

lately , im geting many complains from our client about an flash upgrade that causes their internet explorer to crash unexpectedly .
In order to fix this problem, adobe recommend to remove all flash components from our PC and do a frash install.
iv tryed it and its working.

follow these steps:
  1. Download the uninstall program from :
  2. close all your browsers and run it
  3. restart your computer
  4. and download the new version
  5. that it !

Freeware inventory tool for hardware&software

SubnetScanPro is a quick, easy, and FREE !

    • No installation
    • No client-side software
    • Fit's on a floppy

Quickly- get your inventory data in spreadsheet format .